Do you need support with workplace injury management?
Good workplace injury management is vital to maintaining a healthy bottom line. When an employee has injured themselves, whether while at work or in their free time, it can often have a major impact on business operations. Not only is the person off work due to the injury but there are other costs such as reduced productivity, the cost of replacement workers, loss of morale and the list goes on.
Sometimes, when employees are absent for long periods, the financial losses can be significant. Engaging someone who is experienced with workplace injury management and return-to-work strategies, as well as preventive measures, will result in more positive outcomes.
It’s also helpful to know where you stand with the relevant legislation and how you can successfully get your employee working back in your business sooner than later. As WorkCover specialists, Industryus HR is able to assist you to understand your WorkCover and workplace health and safety obligations in this regard. Our sister company Big Yellow Safety can help you meet your safety obligations so that fewer injuries occur in your workplace, and so that you are better protected from heavy penalties associated with WHS breaches.
For busy employers, Industryus HR consultants can also offer support with claim management. We can take on the entire process including any liaison with WorkCover and the employee’s medical practitioners, and also developing suitable duties and return-to-work plans to safely return your employee to work. Unless employers are experienced in managing WorkCover matters, it is recommended to obtain assistance from a specialist in order to return your employee to work in the shortest possible timeframe. Talk to us about the options available in regard to a workplace injury and return to work strategy.
To find out more about the Industryus advice membership, click here. Or to view Big Yellow Safety services click here.
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