Why do I need workplace policies?

Workplace policies are an essential element of conducting business where the business has one or more employees.

Policies are written documents that clarify to all employees the expected standards of behaviour and performance. For example, a Code of Conduct will outline the standards of conduct that are required while working for the employer.

Below are some of the benefits of implementing sound policies:

  • Where clear policies are in place, employees better understand what is acceptable and unacceptable in the workplace and this helps create a more informed and effective workforce.

  • Workplace policies can also play an important role in the event an employee raises a legal dispute against the employer. For example, where the employer has a workplace policy about the disputed issue, the employer is likely to be in a stronger position before a court or tribunal as they will be able to prove what the workplace standard is and that the employee knew the standard expected.

  • Policies can help to set the rules and guidelines for decision making for a range of standard workplace situations. For example, a Grievances Policy will set out the company process for complaint handling, and specifically who employees should contact for enquiries about the policy or who to contact to make a formal complaint. Having such guidelines in place reduces the need for employees to continually ask management the same questions as the answers will be outlined in the policy.

  • Consistency. A positive workplace culture grows on the back of consistent and clear workplace practices. Workplaces with inconsistent processes and haphazard decision making often find the internal culture is toxic or unproductive as inconsistency breeds feelings of unfairness, distrust, unnecessary competition and frustration which all hinder good performance.

If you are interested in finding out more about workplace policies for your company, do not hesitate to book in a free, no obligation consultation with Industryus HR. We are able to tailor policy packages to suit individual business requirements. Call us on 07 5655 4047 or click here.

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