Unlike off the shelf products, our WHS documents are tailored to your workplace, offering better protection for you and your business.

Managing your Work Health and Safety (WHS) responsibilities and ensuring safe work environments can be challenging for most business owners. Creating your own WHS documents can also seem overwhelming, not knowing where to start, creating all the documents, and keeping up with the changes in work health and safety legislation, codes of practice, and standards.

Industryus Safety can assist businesses that lack the time and resources to research and prepare their own safety documents. Industryus Safety aims to reduce the time, money, and effort you have to invest in developing and maintaining your safe work documents to the specific needs of your business.

safe work documents


You decide what safe work documents would benefit your business, and we develop the documents for you. Some of the WHS documents we recommend include:

Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)

Under a range of state OHS and WHS legislation, certain High-Risk work tasks, require Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS). Furthermore, some companies require sub-contractors to prepare SWMS for the work that they are going to do for them.

SWMS are not intended to be a procedure but rather a document that is prepared in consultation with all relevant persons.

Safe Work Procedures (SWP) or Safe/Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

A safe work procedure (SWP) is a written document that provides step-by-step instructions on how to safely perform a task or activity in the workplace. It can also be referred to as a standard operating procedure (SOP), or a safe work instruction (SWI). The main purpose is to standardise a production or work task. By doing so employers can improve efficiency, quality, and prevent safety incidents.

Safe work procedures are a practical and consistent way for everyone to commit to safety. They clearly:

  • document the sequence of steps for doing the task safely;
  • incorporate the appropriate risk control measures into those steps.

Procedures provide workers, supervisors, and officers with steps that they must follow in specific environments or situations, or when utilising pieces of equipment for work tasks. When trained on how to use a safe work procedure, everyone in the workplace will know the safe way to do their job and will work the same way. They won’t need to guess or make things up as they go along.

WHS Risk Register

A risk register is a central tool for businesses to use to monitor and reduce risks, both those identified during initial safety assessments and those emerging during operations. A risk register contains a list of potential hazards and associated risks that are rated before and after controls have been implemented.

A risk register is useful for providing a snapshot of all of the risks at a location or in a business and tracking the risk controls. When populated with information on each risk, including risk ranking, the risk register can be analysed to present the risk profile for different aspects of the business.

WHS Chemical Register

A hazardous chemical register is a list of all hazardous chemicals stored, handled, or used at a workplace. The hazardous chemicals register should be accompanied by the current Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each of those chemicals.

The risk register should be readily accessible to all workers involved in the use, storage, and handling of the hazardous chemicals at the workplace and to anyone else who is likely to be affected by a hazardous chemical at the workplace. The register must be updated as new hazardous chemicals are introduced to the workplace or when the use of a particular hazardous chemical is discontinued.

Under the Model WHS Regulations businesses using hazardous chemicals must prepare a register and keep it up to date so workers can easily find information about chemicals stored, handled, or used at the workplace.

WHS documents

Contact us to arrange a free introductory call with our sister company Big Yellow Safety. We can help you with the development of WHS documents for your business. Or give us a call on 07 5655 4047 for more info.

Our safety services cover Gold Coast, Tweed Heads, Byron Bay, Brisbane, Darling Downs and Granite Belt areas.