Industryus Group is committed to social and environmental responsibility and to the fair and humane treatment of people in our employment and in our supply chains. This statement sets out the steps that Industryus has taken, and will take, to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our own business or any of our supply chains.

Organisational structure and supply chains

Industryus Group is a provider of professional services in Human Resources and Safety to small and medium sized businesses who are based in Australia. Given our business model comprises of professional level employees providing services, Industryus’ has limited exposure to the exploitation of employees/workers. However, we recognise that we need to be aware and act on greater risk areas, particularly in our operational supply chains. E.g. suppliers of business equipment, products and services that we use to run our business.


The Australian Government describes Modern Slavery as situations where offenders use coercion, threats or deception to exploit victims and undermine their freedom. Practices that constitute modern slavery can include:

  • Human trafficking
  • Slavery
  • Servitude
  • Forced labour
  • Debt bondage
  • Forced marriage, and
  • The worst forms of child labour

It is our belief that modern slavery and human trafficking are abhorrent practices that will not be tolerated in our own operations or in our supply chains, and we will take such steps that are reasonable to ensure than none is present.

We are committed to working ethically and with integrity and we require our business partners to do the same.

Risk assessment and due diligence process

We have conducted an assessment of the risks, both external and internal, of slavery and human trafficking, within our own operations and in our supply chain and we have determined that none of our own business operations are undertaken in higher risk areas.

Where we identify higher risk areas in our supply chains, appropriate due diligence is undertaken to satisfy ourselves that the parties concerned have in place ethical employment practices that comply with all relevant. Where suppliers have not published an Anti-Slavery Statement, they are required to confirm that they have in place such ethical employment practices and that they, in turn, require their suppliers to have the same.

Future steps

Industryus will continue to monitor the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our own business and our supply chains.

While Industryus is not required to prepare a Statement under the requirements of the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018, we have done so voluntarily to show our commitment to our social and environmental responsibilities.